Modular Development & Milestones

To achieve the goal of an accelerated product delivery, execution will take place in separate phases, spanning four months each. Each phase will consist of the following:

Phase One

  • Phase one focuses on providing much needed investor tooling that Ergo currently lacks. For that reason, phase one will target three key areas. Firstly, produce a Portfolio Management platform. Secondly, provide a robust charting package for Erg and Ergo Native Tokens. Lastly, complete v.1 of the accounting panel.

Phase Two

  • Power trader UI. A major focus of phase two will be providing a general investing user-interface for accessing existing Defi infrastructure in one place. This phase will also include a notification service and v.2 of the accounting tools to assist users in their record-keeping & filing needs.


Funds will be raised for each phase independently, and only after completion of the previous milestone.

Milestone one

  • Deliver a charting package and Portfolio Management platform.

  • Provide a UI for simplifying one's accounting process (v.1).

Milestone Two

  • Release the dApp portal, providing access to available Defi on a single platform.

  • Launch the notification service.

  • Upgrading the pre-existing toolset for accounting and tax filing to v.2.

Last updated